American Biosystems News Environment What Can Industries Do to Help the Environment?

What Can Industries Do to Help the Environment?

polluting the environment

In the past, some industries were notorious for polluting the environment. Everything is better now that the EPA took control of the situation decades ago. However, there are measures that industries can take to keep up with their part in taking care of the environment while they operate their businesses. 

The way to help the environment is to have more factories turned into eco-friendly business. It will eliminate toxic waste, air pollution, and water pollution. At the same time, it will be safer for the workers inside those facilities. 

When the earth suffers from this type of pollution, our health suffers. To understand the importance of taking care of the environment, we must understand what pollution does to the environment and our health.

How Some Industries Affect the Environment

The air, water, land, and atmosphere suffer when pollution is let loose in the environment. We should work to improve the environment through friendly environmental businesses. It is not to say whether a company is good or bad, but some push the EPA standards to the limit. Pollution causes life-threatening illnesses like: 

  • Brain damage
  • Heart damage
  • Pancreas damage
  • Lung Damage

The smoke from the refineries goes into the air, and people breathe harmful emissions. Once the emissions are released into the air, the atmosphere is depleted, which causes the sun’s UV rays to affect more people, causing skin cancer. The damage is irreversible and causes many to fall victim to cancer. 

Some toxic waste has been released into the water, which also causes many problems, killing all aqua life. Last, the land absorbs the toxic waste, and over time it spreads into the ground, messing with the farmland. The EPA set the standards to keep people safe, but there is still more to do. 

What are Industries Doing?

Many of these things are scary, considering how far the old companies went. Many are building recycling plants to avoid all the waste being released into the environment. Stuff not used by the company is sent to the recycling plants to make more used items, and whatever is not used is now being appropriately discarded. 

Industries also utilize energy efficiency techniques like wind and solar panels to eliminate toxic waste. Though solar and wind power are not 100 percent used, the companies are mixing traditional methods with new green practices to reduce waste. 

Companies are also doing their part to help the environment by training employees in a new direction to be eco-friendly. It makes a safer work environment, and the employees are happier with the outcome and those who live nearby the refineries. People are noticing a difference, and over time, with everyone doing their part, the earth can clean itself and give the world a fresh start. 

Industries are Listening to the People

People have stepped up over the years to take on these large companies to deliver better ways of making their companies eco-friendly. Organizations are formed, and the companies work with the people, especially those close to the refineries. 

Members of Congress and politicians are also stepping up to speak up on behalf of the people in their districts to push companies to go green. Laws are passed to protect the environment and the people. 

Other Alternatives to Traditional Refineries

It is interesting how the alternatives do not release as many emissions. Some do not release any at all. Let’s take a look at what these alternatives are:

  1. Nuclear Power: About 20 percent of energy is used from nuclear power. The upside is there are no greenhouse emissions. The downside is the cost of eliminating the waste. Industries are working to find a way around this today. 
  2. Reusable Energy: Geothermal heat is taking the heat used from within the earth to make electricity. Biomass products also create electricity and produce heat when coal is in the mix. Little to no greenhouse gases are released into the environment through this method. 
  3. Carbon Capture and Storage: Carbon dioxide is captured and stored under the facilities through this process, also known as CCS. An outstanding 90 percent of carbon is captured and never released into the environment. More of these facilities are being built around the world. 
  4. Energy-efficient buildings are being constructed: Energy-efficient buildings are popping up everywhere so that nothing is wasted. Codes are put in place for businesses to cut back. The only way to cut back is to have the buildings more insulated and built to save electricity, heating, and air conditioning. 

American Biosystems Can Help

Companies like American Biosystems are helping with the process of going green. Their products and services use everything all-natural, and they believe in recycling. Through the process of companies helping companies, industries cutting back and going green, and people doing their part, the environment will be deemed safe again.

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